Surgeon since 1998. Specialist in aesthetic medicine. The Head of Prime Clinic and Beauty AntiAging Academy in Warsaw, Poland. Member of the Polish society of aesthetic medicine and anti-aging Polish medical association since 2002. Author of innovative therapeutic methods that achieve very effective, but natural effects of skin rejuvenation. Author of modern lifting techniques, tailor-made for individual patient needs such as: smart network, smartlift, supporting volumetry, artlift antigravity concept, nonsurgical micro cannulas facelifting. Specialist in WAL liposuction, lipo-transfer connected with stem cells implementation. Early in his career, he adopted regenerative treatment options such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP, PRF and ACP), Microfat, and Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) combining with skin boosters (Na Succinate, NCTF®) in his clinic and developed a comprehensive multilevel facial tissue correction technique, giving natural results. Co-author of ultherapy and jet plasma medical protocols. International key opinion leader, local country mentor and trainer of Laboratoires FILLMED, Hyalual Institute, Allergan, Teoxane, Croma, Vivaci. Speaker at many Worldwide Recognized antiaging and aesthetic medicine congresses. Lecturer at the European anti-aging training center and beauty antiaging academy. Author of numerous specialized articles and publications. “ The foundation of my philosophy is to provide patients with a natural and individually tailored anti-aging treatment programme.“ Dr. Robert Chmielewski.